Friday, January 20, 2006
Hai. hmm...I am quite busy completing my Final Year Project for my Degree. Hmm..So maybe a little bit slow on posting stuff here. But from time to times I will post somthing just to release my tension. Thanks For visiting. Have you bookmark or put my link to your site? Please do so if you haven't :)..
Written by Geoff Johns and Judd Winick; Art by Matthew Clark, Carlos D'Anda, Tony Daniel, Art Thibert and Marlo Alquiza; Cover by Daniel Acuña
An amazing new volume collecting TEEN TITANS #24-26 and OUTSIDERS #24, 25 and 28! When Nightwing and Speedy figure out there's a traitor in their midst, secrets come to the fore, including Superboy's ultimate corruption by his genetic father, Lex Luthor!

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