Monday, January 30, 2006
Hello everyone and happy Chinese New Year to those who are celebrating it.
I went back home(Selangor) on saturday and the bus station at medan gopeng was full with people who also wants to go to their hometown. My bus was late, it uppose to arrive at medan gopeng bus station at 9am but but the bus arrived at 10.30am.

"Medan Gopeng" Bus Station

dats me waiting for my 9am bus.
and as for today's post,
Written by Dennis O'Neil, Bob Haney, Len Wein and others; Art by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano; Cover by Adams
The extra-sized final volume collecting Neal Adams's acclaimed covers and stories featuring the Dark Knight! This volume includes material from BATMAN #232, #234, #237, #243-245 and #251, featuring Two-Face, the Joker, and more members of Batman's famed Rogues Gallery. Plus, two never-before- reprinted stories done for Peter Pan records and a sketchbook section showcasing Adams' advertising and custom comics work with the Caped Crusader!

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