Friday, February 24, 2006
RHB Bank released the SUPERMAN RETURNS(TM) Promotion
First of all, thanks for visiting my blog. Have you feel the heat yet? The promotion of Superman Returns movie is getting popular,..
I was walking in Kuala Lumpur and saw a big banner with a superman logo on it!! It was RHB bank's promotion. they have been seting up some srt of contest associated with the new Superman Movie...

This is Your chance to win RM200,000 with Spend and Win Contest with SUPERMAN RETURNS TM!
RHB bank said that there are 3 Easy Steps for you to stand a chance to win RM200,000 and other fabulous prizes:
1. Spend any amount with your RHB Credit Card
2. Complete the contest form and answer the total weight featured in the picture.
3. Mail the completed contest form to RHB bank (see the link for more detail)
Whats the prizes to be one? Click here to know more :)..
I am not promoting the Superman Promotion by RHB Bank.. I am just excited to see a big Superman Logo in the City of Kuala Lumpur
So how was the superman returns' promotions in your area? :)
Can't find what you are looking for? Try search it with Google :
Well, I've seen one from an RHB bank in my hometown, Alor Star. It's quite interesting to see that promo strikes my humble town :D
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