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the preety and the ugly

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spiderman 3 :: Black Spiderman Costume !!

Spider-Man Is Wearing A Black Suit!

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Spider-Man's New Costume Unveiled

You may think you’re looking at a black and white photo. Look closely, Spider-Man wears a black suit in Spider-Man 3 which implies that Spider-Man will be facing his archrival Venom, who sports an alien symbiote that merges with its host to give them that black costume with all its alien symbiote powers.. Tobey Maguire returns as Peter Parker / Spider-Man in Spider-Man 3.

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Whats wrong Spidey? Why the long face? Yes..I can see it behind your mask :)

I can't wait to watch the movie in 2007. And I hope Mary Jane's hair will be red as in the comicbook :)

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