the preety and the ugly
Friday, February 24, 2006
RHB Bank released the SUPERMAN RETURNS(TM) Promotion
First of all, thanks for visiting my blog. Have you feel the heat yet? The promotion of Superman Returns movie is getting popular,..
I was walking in Kuala Lumpur and saw a big banner with a superman logo on it!! It was RHB bank's promotion. they have been seting up some srt of contest associated with the new Superman Movie...

This is Your chance to win RM200,000 with Spend and Win Contest with SUPERMAN RETURNS TM!
RHB bank said that there are 3 Easy Steps for you to stand a chance to win RM200,000 and other fabulous prizes:
1. Spend any amount with your RHB Credit Card
2. Complete the contest form and answer the total weight featured in the picture.
3. Mail the completed contest form to RHB bank (see the link for more detail)
Whats the prizes to be one? Click here to know more :)..
I am not promoting the Superman Promotion by RHB Bank.. I am just excited to see a big Superman Logo in the City of Kuala Lumpur
So how was the superman returns' promotions in your area? :)
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Singer Shows More Footage of Superman Returns to Malaysian Journalists
Great!! ..Malaysian Journalist was mentioned in Superman Homepage !! :) (I am Malaysian :P) ..I wish I could be the ones who went to meet Brian Singer himself...but that would take the fun out of the movie right? here's from the Superman homepage :
Superman Homepage: "The Star Online eCentral website has posted a report from one of four Malaysian journalists who were given a sneak peek at new 'Superman Returns' footage during an interview with Bryan Singer in his LA studio.
The railway track rattles violently as the sounds of a train chugging away at an enormous speed fills the room. It's not going quite as fast as a speeding bullet, but you can tell that it's going way faster than it should. Suddenly, it crashes through a barrier, and misses a stop. As it approaches the next, you can see the station vibrating. Then someone falls onto the track, and the train runs him, or her, over.
Clark Kent (Brandon Routh) shares a paper with a stranger in an elevator in Superman Returns. It looks like Superman has made the headlines again.
The train just keeps circling the metropolis; its speed increasing and buildings are vibrating. Boom. Cut to a bunch of people standing on what looks like a subway platform. The floor cracks, then the wall splits in two. The group of people take a quick step to the side. They look at each other. Kevin Spacey, sorry, Lex Luthor, smirks.
The scene pauses. I turn to my left where Superman Returns director Bryan Singer is seated in the Warner Hollywood office in West Hollywood, California. He looks back, with the exact same smirk. You can tell he's quite happy with the looks of awe on our faces.
'Want to see more?' he asked.
We all thought that he was going to show us some drawings; after all, he had brought in a mock-up of the new Superman Returns poster just as we finished the interview. We followed him, our hearts thumping and not saying anything, as he led us into the room where we first heard the theme song come out of.
And there it was. On the huge television hooked up to the editing machines was a young Clark Kent running through the farm as he discovers his incredible powers. He takes a slight leap and ends up on a huge water tanker.
The look of shock on his face matched ours. We couldn't believe what we were watching. We were possibly the first few - if not the first Malaysians - to watch actual footage from the movie.
"You want to see more? Maybe I should show you ... nah, maybe not," Singer teased. Pause. "Oh, why not," he said as he dragged the mouse looking for another scene. He obviously knew what he was looking for. We, on the other hand, didn't know what else was in store.
Does Kevin Spacey have what it takes to play the ruthless Lex Luthor? We’ll just have to wait and see.
We heard a click only to see something flying across the screen. It wasn't a bird, but it sure was a plane ... heading to crash into a baseball field.
The look of horror on the faces of the people sitting in the stands was priceless (again, not unlike ours) until a swoosh flashed across the screen and something in blue and red grabbed hold of the nose of the plane and tried to slow it down as it dove towards the pitch. Would it crash?
Singer stopped the footage just before we could see if Superman had indeed saved the day.
In fact, we didn't get to see Superman doing much at all on screen.
But if the countless of hours of hard work that went into making the movie, the beautiful footage that we witnessed, and his passion for bringing the man with the red underpants back to the big screen after a 19-year absence was anything to go by, then we had already met Superman that day.
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